Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Princess Diaries - Chapter 1

Here I am
Initiated into the world of blog
Had great fun reading other folks' blogs
I thought, "Why not me, too?"

Why not indeed.

So here I am. Introduced into the world of bloggers by Ellen. I was just telling her what a wonderful Modern Dance concert I caught on Saturday at the UCC.

You can read more about it at www.gatgat.com

What struck me most was Gat's single-mindedness in pursuing his dreams. (Of course, it does help that he's bald (by preference!), and has great chiselled features to boot - that for sure caught my eye FIRST.)

He was actually training as a conductor before he took up a 3 month dance course. He was hooked, and decided to be a modern dancer instead. And all this at the relatively late age of 23.

The rest, as the saying goes, is history.

How he never looked back and had the passion to go for what he wanted. Just think about it.

A conductor's lifespan in the music arena is infinitely longer than that of a dancer (unless you take up a teaching role, that is). Yet he chose to tread a path which he believed help him to express art in a totally comfortable and natural manner, which he felt conductorship doesn't allow him to. Presuming that you don't earn as much as a conductor, that means to say it's truly a matter of passion that kept him going.

I wonder what my passion is and where shall it lead me to. I somehow feel, like him and many others, my path and passion lie elsewhere...

A side story. The Centre for the Arts, NUS brought the show in. It was an exhilarating performance whereby Gat and 2 other compatriots, leapt, rolled, twisted and danced on a bare stage, leaving me and my friend Ai open-mouthed in wonderment. When the Director asked his VIPs post-concert if they'd like to see them backstage, they said no.

Who in their right minds would want to give up a chance to visit such dancers backstage? Me and Ai wanted badly to, but of course, we're not really VIPs, and can't see them backstage.

Even princesses get stumped by obstacles!


  • At 8:43 AM, Blogger paradox said…

    welcome to the world of blogging ... and the world of bald, sexy men! ;)


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