Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Sunday, October 10, 2004


Now I know I can be a speed demon if I wanted to.

Off for my 1st go-karting session at JB on Saturday. Good thing J told us all to wear sunglasses. The noise from these machines were terrible!

For only S$15, you can be Michel Schumacher for 10 min (minus his snazzy outfit, gloves and of course, his moolah). It's pretty much like F1 racing, in a less high-end car which is not so powerful of course. To display your so-called driving prowess, you can race around the circuit, comprising of a series of slopes, hair pin bends round and round.

The guys were good. I was pretty hesitant as the instructor told us to step left for brakes, and right, for speeding up. I can still remember my driving instructor years ago shouting at me to "step on the brake/clutch/accelerator NOW!". I think I stepped on all 3 at 1 go... and flunked the test outright.

But I digress.

With sunglasses perched on my nose and a heavy helmet on my head, I looked like a cut price version of some 3rd grade F1 driver. Some guy just yanked the string to start off the engine and I was off!

The guys were really good - they sped all the way! For me... well, at first I was hesitant and a bit nervous - bad memories of lousy driving lessons all came back to me. But when I saw how much fun everyone had, I just stepped on it.

I was still comparatively slow, but with the engine roaring and sand flying into my face, the thrill that I get is adrenaline-pumping, to say the least. Taking the bends was the most fun, it was marvelous maneuvering the kart in a sharp and tight turn and feeling my body sway with the movement.

Poor J had an accident. According to eye witness accounts, she basically crashed into the barrier and flipped out of her kart. Thank God indeed that she suffered bruises only.

I really saw how sweet-hearted G is. She displayed sufficient sense to get the 1st aid kit and applied some antiseptic on J. When we all headed to City Square for a coffee, the 1st thing she did was to run off to the pharmacy and got something for J too.

I hope things will really work well for G. To all who have eyes, she has a good and loving heart. I'm rather sentimental about happy endings...


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