Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Sunday, July 24, 2005

And So the Story Goes...

Really, anyone would have given it a break.

The incident occurred on May Day. The situation, thought to be resolved by now, blew up again - this time by someone who thinks that her feelings are hurt and seemingly wanted the whole world to know. And oh, ho! more parties are involved! More resources used! More tears! More dissension! More anger! The works!

This is getting better than a Taiwanese tearjerker serial, complete with villianess and victim!

And I thought the whole issue is resolved by now? It has been, what, almost 2 months? Certainly if you want to hold a grudge over a perceived slight it should end by now?

As I hear the whole story recounted, rehashed one more time, one thing struck me.

It's in moments like this when you truly realise that what a person says reflect what he is in the mind and heart.

It's not a pretty sight. In fact, it's downright ugly. And you wouldn't have guessed it coming from the mouth of a person whom many regarded as an okay person, something like the Jane next door kinda person.

I hope that it'll end here. Right now. Think those who stood on P's side are very tired of seeing the whole thing rehashed in its entirety ad nauseum, ad infinitum. Just like leftovers that's been thrown into the back of the fridge brought out and reheated and served again.

Sure, it comes in different variations but essentially still the same old story, nonetheless. Same old, same old leftovers. It's not fit for anything, but to be thrown away into the bin.

Even pigs won't eat it.

It's such a terrible waste of emotions and energy really. And for P's sake, I hope it'll end.


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