Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

It's been a long time

It was a crazy hectic November. So much stuff to handle. So little time to do everything. Barely blogged!

What did I miss on the social front?

1. Kingsley's wedding on 20 Nov, in London, UK
Arrggggh.....! My best friend's wedding and I missed it! However, I'm sure he's enjoying wedded bliss right now, in wintry London. Ben and Meng, Eileen and Chee Onn were all there to attend it. But I can't... because of the Gala Dinner. Sigh! When will he be back to show me his photos...

2. Pat's wedding on 20 Nov, Singapore
Arrgggh......! My designer's wedding! And us colleagues gotta work! We were conspicuous absentees from his wedding dinner.

3. Burnt weekends and late nights
Enuf said. My social life was zilch during those days. Think 14 hour days on weekdays, trying my best to copywrite for CD liner notes (yes, we have an anniversary CD featuring songs sung by swines... but that's another story), mounting an exhibition when our photo archives are lousy, producing the gala dinner magazine, and all kinds of duties that I didn't know how come fell onto my lap.

What I did get to do...
1. Meeting people
While the booze was flowing merrily, everyone seemed to talk louder than usual. Grins were flashed even wider, sequined dresses seemed more glittery, make-up more garish. I was sober (can't drink at work), so all these exaggerated celebratory spirit seemed rather excessive, from my point of view. I'd rather be in London attending Kingsley's wedding! Argggh! Although, yes, I did meet some nice people.

2. Dressing up and making up
Given the sub-zero temperatures of the ballroom, I was wearing a grey trench coat with pants and a white collared shirt. I looked rather
a) "nice" - according to a colleague who loves to create problems for me. Couldn't care less about what she said.
b) "good looking in corporate wear" - according to Joann, who was trying to find the right word to describe.
c) "very different and a refreshing change" - according to dear dear Saras. She was sensational in a sequined yellow gown herself.

If not for the fact that I had to run up and down, mounting exhibits, taking care of logistics work, I'd love to be wearing a flowing gown too. Hai! That gown shall be saved for another occasion. :P

3.Waking up at 4 am
That took the cake. Never in my entire life have I woken up at 4 am on a Sunday morning to get ready for some carnival/competitive run/leisure walk. My eyes were half-closed as I drank my milo and nibbled on my tuna sandwich. Totally zonked out.

Gonna be clearing leave in Dec... Mmmmmmm... lazy, hazy days of running, swimming, reading, music, movies and blading.... shopping...


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