Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Monday, December 12, 2005

Hot Air Rises, Cold Air Sinks

Episode 1:

At the choral concert organised by G, the resident boor, whom some thought was a true cultural philistine, decided to attend as well. RB is sad to say, talkative.

Not that talkativeness is a sin. Talking and bragging about oneself is.

The girls managed to "siam" sitting next to him. Unfortunately come dessert time, RB, seeing a fellow gentleman ordering a Tequila Sunrise, bragged loudly that he can drink very well and if challenged to a drinking binge, he almost always ended up as the last man still standing and drinking away. Long after the rest of the folks have dropped down drunk.

He proceeded to list his various exploits and drinking prowess, raising the ire of E, K and G. G as usual was too polite to tell him off. What a way to impress the ladies! Machismo, suaveness and manly drinker all rolled into one! With such prodigious talents, he managed to make the rest of the men present sound like... limp-wristed wimps!

*puke* *barf barf*

Despite all the boasting, RB ordered one of the most potent drinks available on the menu! It was... *drumroll please*.... a pot of piping hot Earl Grey tea!


Episode 2

RB was there again at the Chopard concert the following week. With some creative pre-planning (what I amusingly termed as manipulation), G managed to manipulate our ticketed seats away from RB, putting poor Eloquent Gentleman next to RB. RB was distinctly subdued, and was in fact rather gracious. A rare departure from his usual hot air.

Dinner was a mad scramble for seats far away from RB, who has been getting consistently high ratings as a pest and braggart. Some folks were less subtle in their seat swop come dinner time, and poor Joanna was unceremoniously placed next to RB.

G was unable to decide on her choice of beverage. Therein began a recitation of the full drinks menu, with me suggesting wickedly that she should drink Earl Grey. Afterall, how do you prove your drinking prowess unless you challenge RB, the macho drinker, to a stiff drink of Earl Grey?!

It has been noted that RB lurrve SSO concerts, and as such, yours truly will try to go for such concerts without RB as part of the party.


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