Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Monday, December 13, 2004

Making Up is Not Hard at All

I always tell people, what you see is what you get.

The wonders of make up! Coco Chanel, the doyenne of haute couture and high-end makeup, once famously declared that there's no such thing as an ugly woman, only a lazy one. I think it's quite true.

Make up is supposed to enhance your best features while downplaying your not-so-good ones. Being one of those typical women that Coco would have frowned upon immediately and banished to be queen of the realm of lazydom, my make up skills are so-so. You can see me without more often than with it.

So for lazy me, I decided to attend this make up session at Phne's house last Saturday. She was helping to market some make up products with a friend and since I'm free, I'd pop over.

A mind-boggling array of palettes, colors and shades greeted me when I started off. Pink shades complimented So Ra's fair, porcelain-like skin. I am what Adele described as yellow toned with shades of red (somehow the image of me resembling a banana or an orange came to my mind immediately). I can take earthy and warm shades but not very reddish ones.

The products had name that were good enough to eat. I applied eye shadow called tawny earth (whazzat?!), cappucinno and hot almond over my eyelids. Lipsticks and glosses with berry fragrances makes you feel like licking them, just like some popsicle (maybe that's why they say lips are so "delectable-looking" after applying them!).

After doing up my face, both So Ra and Phne said I looked rather different. So did Ellen. The eyes looked very... defined (I'm not sure what they meant by me looking different...) with 2 shades of eyeshadow, lined with some charcoal eyeliner and mascara-ed. I thought I'd look too overdone but was assured otherwise. The brows were not filled out with pencil as I'm blessed with even, dark brows (thank you, dad!).

So Coco was right. :P

My face is not unique ...
Adele's husband came to pick her. He was asking if we've met somewhere as I looked rather familiar. I guess not.

Actually this had happened to me before. I was mistaken in Uni by some strange girl who mistakenly thought that I was some casual acquaintance. But from the following exchange, you'd think they were sworn enemies.

Boy, this girl really had a knife against that poor kid. She went ever so sweetly... "Ooh u poor girl, heard you broke up with your boyfriend... your heart must be bleeeeeeding...."

I certainly for one, don't know her. And what boyfriend?! How come I don't know I'm attached?!
So who the HECK is this woman?! What a sly bitch she is...

I just stared at her and went loudly "who are you? I don't know you?!" A look of disbelief crossed her face, and she fled.

And good riddance!


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