Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Songs of Hope & Joy

I've never been more touched than today.

I joined some friends to do some carolling at AMK Community Hospital. Visiting this place brought back memories. Not so good ones.

You see, this was the hospital where Dad was rehabilitating for months after he got a stroke. He hated every minute of his stay. This place was cramped, stuffy, and filled with ward mates who were in a far worse condition than he was. It was depressing to say the least. Even we as the family found it so, what more him?

That was 1.5 years ago. The place is brighter, cheerier (a new coat of paint and furniture), but still as stuffy.

The carols that Sek Joon the choral leader prepared were the usual ones that you hear on Christmas. What I find most challenging was the Hokkien one (lyrics below). Since I speak zero Hokkien, pronunciation was a major problem. But despite the language barrier, I managed (with a lot of help from Praise and some other folks who could speak Hokkien). Even more amazing, there was this old man who broke down after the song was sung. Others were very comforted - they had no one to visit them even on Christmas Day. Some could only listen - stroke patients who were robbed of the faculty to speak or move are thankfully not robbed of their hearing. Nor their sense of touch, as we held their hands and find out how they are doing.

Truly, the Word of God (even in hymns of praise) is powerful, and can bring refreshment, healing and changes to a man's life. Just like a soothing balm to the troubled or broken spirit of the inner man.

This song apparently was one of the top ten 龙虎榜 hits amongst Hokkien worshippers. It's easy to understand why. It reduced me to a puddle of tears even though I don't really understand the language.



I'm certainly not pitch-perfect when it comes to singing. But even in the lousiest of voices, God can work a miracle.

May one and all experience the miracle of Christmas and the comfort and joy that He brings.


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