Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Songs of Hope & Joy

I've never been more touched than today.

I joined some friends to do some carolling at AMK Community Hospital. Visiting this place brought back memories. Not so good ones.

You see, this was the hospital where Dad was rehabilitating for months after he got a stroke. He hated every minute of his stay. This place was cramped, stuffy, and filled with ward mates who were in a far worse condition than he was. It was depressing to say the least. Even we as the family found it so, what more him?

That was 1.5 years ago. The place is brighter, cheerier (a new coat of paint and furniture), but still as stuffy.

The carols that Sek Joon the choral leader prepared were the usual ones that you hear on Christmas. What I find most challenging was the Hokkien one (lyrics below). Since I speak zero Hokkien, pronunciation was a major problem. But despite the language barrier, I managed (with a lot of help from Praise and some other folks who could speak Hokkien). Even more amazing, there was this old man who broke down after the song was sung. Others were very comforted - they had no one to visit them even on Christmas Day. Some could only listen - stroke patients who were robbed of the faculty to speak or move are thankfully not robbed of their hearing. Nor their sense of touch, as we held their hands and find out how they are doing.

Truly, the Word of God (even in hymns of praise) is powerful, and can bring refreshment, healing and changes to a man's life. Just like a soothing balm to the troubled or broken spirit of the inner man.

This song apparently was one of the top ten 龙虎榜 hits amongst Hokkien worshippers. It's easy to understand why. It reduced me to a puddle of tears even though I don't really understand the language.



I'm certainly not pitch-perfect when it comes to singing. But even in the lousiest of voices, God can work a miracle.

May one and all experience the miracle of Christmas and the comfort and joy that He brings.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Deck the Halls...

For the 1st time in my life, I attended a formal SSO concert.

For jazz-loving me, classical music is a no-no. I've had enough of baroque when the Chorus was performing it non-stop and I was managing those horrendous concerts!

But since Grace says that it's a perennial favorite and tickets sell out in November, I thought I might as well give it a try. She said that the carolling sing-along was de rigeur... and lots of fun.

And I loved it!

What caught my eye when I stepped into the Esplanade Hall was the wonderful acoustic shells that embraced the "durian" roof of the Hall. Reaching upwards like the elegantly curved ribcage of a whale, it is designed to contain and amplify the tiniest sounds from the stage. The pipe organ (which I've read was really one of the best in the world) was obscured by a magnificent 20 ft Christmas tree that glittered with tinsel, lights and multi-coloured baubles. According to the programme booklet, it was decorated by famed jeweler Chopard and will remain there for the December concert season in the Hall. Dwarfed by the tree, the musicians looked like industrious black ants as they began to tune up. The ladies however, were dressed in Yuletide colors of red and green.

So what's my favorite instrument? I'm a fan of the cello and double-bass. At the "Dance of the Hours", they were seen plucking the strings delicately to give it a certain "oomph" effect, while pressing what I term as the equivalent of a fret board on the guitar.

The best part of the concert, I think, was when everybody (except Lim Yau the conductor), whipped out either a Santa hat, a pair of reindeer horns or a Christmassy hat and put it on before they started off on Hammond's lively Sleigh Bells. I was trying my best not to giggle when I saw the 1st double bassist trying desparately to adjust the horns on his head (which threatened to slip over his eyes), while he was busy fiddling on the instrument. In the end, he tied the horns round the double bass' neck... :)

Already I'm feeling rather Christmassy ... Fa la la la la la la la LA!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Me, Myself and I

Who am I?

According to this test, I'm an ISFP.

Some parts true, and some parts, not quite.

Take the test at your own risk! :)

Monday, December 13, 2004

Making Up is Not Hard at All

I always tell people, what you see is what you get.

The wonders of make up! Coco Chanel, the doyenne of haute couture and high-end makeup, once famously declared that there's no such thing as an ugly woman, only a lazy one. I think it's quite true.

Make up is supposed to enhance your best features while downplaying your not-so-good ones. Being one of those typical women that Coco would have frowned upon immediately and banished to be queen of the realm of lazydom, my make up skills are so-so. You can see me without more often than with it.

So for lazy me, I decided to attend this make up session at Phne's house last Saturday. She was helping to market some make up products with a friend and since I'm free, I'd pop over.

A mind-boggling array of palettes, colors and shades greeted me when I started off. Pink shades complimented So Ra's fair, porcelain-like skin. I am what Adele described as yellow toned with shades of red (somehow the image of me resembling a banana or an orange came to my mind immediately). I can take earthy and warm shades but not very reddish ones.

The products had name that were good enough to eat. I applied eye shadow called tawny earth (whazzat?!), cappucinno and hot almond over my eyelids. Lipsticks and glosses with berry fragrances makes you feel like licking them, just like some popsicle (maybe that's why they say lips are so "delectable-looking" after applying them!).

After doing up my face, both So Ra and Phne said I looked rather different. So did Ellen. The eyes looked very... defined (I'm not sure what they meant by me looking different...) with 2 shades of eyeshadow, lined with some charcoal eyeliner and mascara-ed. I thought I'd look too overdone but was assured otherwise. The brows were not filled out with pencil as I'm blessed with even, dark brows (thank you, dad!).

So Coco was right. :P

My face is not unique ...
Adele's husband came to pick her. He was asking if we've met somewhere as I looked rather familiar. I guess not.

Actually this had happened to me before. I was mistaken in Uni by some strange girl who mistakenly thought that I was some casual acquaintance. But from the following exchange, you'd think they were sworn enemies.

Boy, this girl really had a knife against that poor kid. She went ever so sweetly... "Ooh u poor girl, heard you broke up with your boyfriend... your heart must be bleeeeeeding...."

I certainly for one, don't know her. And what boyfriend?! How come I don't know I'm attached?!
So who the HECK is this woman?! What a sly bitch she is...

I just stared at her and went loudly "who are you? I don't know you?!" A look of disbelief crossed her face, and she fled.

And good riddance!

Fresh Beginnings

Although there's no winter to speak of in sunny, tropical Singapore, I feel that I'm right now in a season of rest, awaiting springtime to thaw all things and to start afresh in areas of my life.

Meeting People

Ah Di is right. I've got to take time to meet up with people.

Jo is suggesting the same thing as Ah Di. In fact, Jo, Ah Di and W are suggesting that I quit my job as it's doing more harm than good. I'm trying, but sometimes, it gets very tiresome when nothing results out of my efforts. I really felt like running to a cave and hide, but so far everyone has asked me to persist and be brave. W in fact gave me a comrade-like pat on my back and said that I can do it. Which is amazing, since he's never that encouraging by nature! Though, yes, W has his fair share of troubles in this quarter and has sanguinely put it down to "just a part of life and growing up".

I am beginning to go with the flow in such matters, and knowing more people is just merely a process, to perhaps a greater discovery of oneself. Not to pressure myself but to learn to appreciate people, despite my mis-steps and failures. It takes courage in some ways, but it's also liberating and strengthening. Angela and Kingsley have great faith in me on such matters, although I'm not so sure myself! Darling Angie and King!

It's unfortunate to hear that G has also suffered the same problem as I once did. She's avoiding some folks but I told her not to. It takes time to heal, and it takes time to get over some problems. It's not easy but with God's help, yes, it can be done. She in fact, went into a self-imposed moratorium and refused to meet anyone for 3 years. Thankfully i didn't do that, but I can understand (perhaps somewhat imperfectly) the depth of the emotional hurt that she went through.

Running away is pointless... where is there a cave that will hide you forever? What good will it be anyway to hide?

Going Back to My First Love

Writing. It was a challenge to accept Ellen's proposal to do a bit of freelancing. Although the pay was modest, it did challenge me to write about other stuff other than the usual. I must be more thorough and accurate though. Being a journo is tough...

I remembered one of the 1st few things that my creative writing teacher taught me is to keep a journal to record what inspires me. One of my entries recorded about how life would be like if I were a goldfish. It got a B+. No kidding.

Go for Goal!
Now for something more frivolous...I resolve...
  • To be more fit
  • To cook more often
  • To smile more and frown less
  • To put on makeup more often and dress up (by royal command from my family & friends)
  • To pick up a new sport
  • To learn a new skill
  • To overcome a great fear of mine.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

It's been a long time

It was a crazy hectic November. So much stuff to handle. So little time to do everything. Barely blogged!

What did I miss on the social front?

1. Kingsley's wedding on 20 Nov, in London, UK
Arrggggh.....! My best friend's wedding and I missed it! However, I'm sure he's enjoying wedded bliss right now, in wintry London. Ben and Meng, Eileen and Chee Onn were all there to attend it. But I can't... because of the Gala Dinner. Sigh! When will he be back to show me his photos...

2. Pat's wedding on 20 Nov, Singapore
Arrgggh......! My designer's wedding! And us colleagues gotta work! We were conspicuous absentees from his wedding dinner.

3. Burnt weekends and late nights
Enuf said. My social life was zilch during those days. Think 14 hour days on weekdays, trying my best to copywrite for CD liner notes (yes, we have an anniversary CD featuring songs sung by swines... but that's another story), mounting an exhibition when our photo archives are lousy, producing the gala dinner magazine, and all kinds of duties that I didn't know how come fell onto my lap.

What I did get to do...
1. Meeting people
While the booze was flowing merrily, everyone seemed to talk louder than usual. Grins were flashed even wider, sequined dresses seemed more glittery, make-up more garish. I was sober (can't drink at work), so all these exaggerated celebratory spirit seemed rather excessive, from my point of view. I'd rather be in London attending Kingsley's wedding! Argggh! Although, yes, I did meet some nice people.

2. Dressing up and making up
Given the sub-zero temperatures of the ballroom, I was wearing a grey trench coat with pants and a white collared shirt. I looked rather
a) "nice" - according to a colleague who loves to create problems for me. Couldn't care less about what she said.
b) "good looking in corporate wear" - according to Joann, who was trying to find the right word to describe.
c) "very different and a refreshing change" - according to dear dear Saras. She was sensational in a sequined yellow gown herself.

If not for the fact that I had to run up and down, mounting exhibits, taking care of logistics work, I'd love to be wearing a flowing gown too. Hai! That gown shall be saved for another occasion. :P

3.Waking up at 4 am
That took the cake. Never in my entire life have I woken up at 4 am on a Sunday morning to get ready for some carnival/competitive run/leisure walk. My eyes were half-closed as I drank my milo and nibbled on my tuna sandwich. Totally zonked out.

Gonna be clearing leave in Dec... Mmmmmmm... lazy, hazy days of running, swimming, reading, music, movies and blading.... shopping...