Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Love and Its Ripple Effect

Ellen broke the good news to me that Andrew has just proposed. The answer was given by way of her wearing the ring on her fourth finger.

Thinking back, I marvelled at how things have turned out.

How, over initial objections and obstacles, both she (and Phne) overcame them to begin a new journey with their respective spouses. Indeed, time will reveal what kind of person you are, and how the pressures of life will make or break a person. The recent tragic incident only goes to prove that Mart is indeed a worthy man to be trusted with, to lead his family through both the blessings and tragedies that life, or fate, or whatever you choose to believe in, throws at you.

Ellen and I were mulling over this point at lunch. Not all love relationships are smooth-sailing. I've witnessed many which were not trouble-free. There were those that had to overcome racial prejudice, and it took an accident to turn around the finicky future mother-in-law to finally give her blessings. Financial concerns (being the most common obstacle) were cited as break-up reasons, or reasons to spur the couple to prove others wrong.

Even a simple love relationship generated plenty of talk (friendly or otherwise), concern, and worst of all, nosyness and speculative drivel. I for one, have no patience for speculations and gossip. It must have been an occupational hazard, but I found myself trying to suss out the source of something which I heard was unfair, unwarranted and obviously, if taken wrongly, will wreck something that is beautiful.

Being someone who is employed for the last 9 years to manage information, create illusions/news, and making bad news sound good and good news, even better, it disturbs me greatly to see others lacing something that is essentially good, with poison.

While they have told me that there is nothing to worry about and that gossip would not harm them, still, I'm curious. Why now? What motives? Is this the equivalent of Hollywood celebrities being hounded by the paparazzi?! Even in these circles? Hard to believe, but true.

Where there are humans, then there will be envy.

Even amongst those who should know better.


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