Leng, the Princess

This is my life story. Minutes and seconds my story (to borrow the lyrics from a well-loved song).

Monday, May 30, 2005

Of Unknown Lands

Recently, I've taken to reading travelogues. Snagged a few books (Michael Palin!) at Charing Cross Road and have now taken a bit of time to do some leisure reading.

Previously sadly neglected, my books painted exotic locales that I am beginning to weave dreams of visiting these unknown lands.
Having travelled alone, I quite enjoyed the experience, barring one slight problem.

Had lunch with a long-time friend who is beginning to feel burned out at work. Perhaps it's common for people like us. Like me, this friend of mine works in a somewhat similar industry and is about my age. While chatting about my travels, I was suddenly offered a potential travel partner who is able to withstand the rigours of travel. Someone who potentially could endure the privations that I experienced during this trip and my Melbourne journey.

Now, that remains to be seen. Of course, travelling with someone poses its own pros and cons. You have someone (apart from yourself) to watch over your back, and to share expenses, food and accomodation with. The downside is when you don't get along on what you want to do, see and eat. Compromise is necessary otherwise it's gonna be a drag.

I might take up the offer if another travelling opportunity of a larger scale presents itself. We'll see. :)


  • At 9:42 AM, Blogger paradox said…

    leng, when can i view the photos from your uk/france trip? :)


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